My poor mustang... :-(

Wayne has a lift.


sorry Pauly is the kid who posted just above you, zee-oh-sex.

I don’t really work on cars anywhere but my house. Kind of defeats the purpose of having the lift. LOL. :thumbup:thumbup:thumbup

Boooo… yeah. Dan definitely isn’t that cool yet. :frowning: It’d be great if he had one though. :cry:

Let me know if you decide you want it or wanna come look at it.

travis wont do it for ya

k, I’ll talk to Dan this weekend but if we don’t get a chance to look at it, I won’t know until after the 16th, they’re going away on vacation.

Really… STILL with the Travis comments?? Can’t come up with anything more orignal. You’re kinda beating a dead horse at this point. :frowning:

word n/p. i’m not actively pursuing selling it, they’re handy to have if a friend needs em or something. If he has any questions etc just throw me a pm and i’ll send you my number. :thumbup:thumbup

Sweet deal :slight_smile: thanx

Didnt you mention this car had a blower on it or something way back when you first came on shift? I dont know jack about mustangs, so i wont even act like I do, but if you blew this one why not get Waynes and send it out to get built up a bit more so it will hold the power? Again, i dont know the trans so i dont know if the parts are even out there to beef it up, I am just throwing it out there.

If you picked up the trans this weekend from Wayne, you could find someone to beef it up for you in the next 2 weeks and come home from vacation, pick up the new beefie trans and slap it in.

This coming from the guy going to pick up another VW trans becasue his broke twice already! lol

I have to wait and see if I have any time this weekend to poke around in the car with Dan… or if he’ll have time to do it himself. It’s my birthday Sunday and I have a softball team I’m coaching now. (Yay) So my weekend is a LITTLE busy. I’m not going on vacation, my mom and her boyfriend are and I don’t know shit about cars, I joined this site to learn a little, but so far all I’ve learned is how to talk a bunch of shit for the most part. lol

I don’t think I said anything about it having a blower… cuz I don’t know what that is, but… sure? lol

And yeah, hopefully Dan will help me out this week looking at the car before he goes and if he says it needs to be rebuilt, I’ll probly just buy Wayne’s and go from there. :slight_smile:

Btw… he said he looked at it a little over the past week, did something to it (not sure what) and said that it helped a little but it’s still shifting hard into first. It’s not giving me any more issues shifting into second or third though. Does that sound like the tranny or possibly the clutch? Someone said it might be the clutch instead. shrug

ohh I thought a remembered you saying something about a supercharger (blower). If its a stockish motor same your self the trouble and rebuild costs and get waynes spare.

An AOD trans is an automatic, no clutch in it, its a torque converter. If it has issues shifting in a single gear but all the others work and dont slip or surge its usually the automatic trans’s valve bodies and what not inside not the converter. Again I am no auto trans wiz at all either, i just know the concepts of them.

you need to chill with the nonexistent smilies

The torque converter takes place of the clutch in an auto setup. But inside the trans there are bands and clutches, both. Bands are adjustable and if im not mistaken affect shift points and firmness. clutches inside the trans (most cases) are not adjustable and wear out thru time and hard use. Ford autos, AOD,AODE,C4 and even C6’s commonly fall out of adjustment. The trans will shift funny or not at all. I went thru this when i had a stock c4 behind my small block. Not that you were totally wrong, but i just wanted to clarify a little better.

Same here, Racing Larry literally had 10-15 people in his garage when he did the clutch. Conversely, when I’ve got work to do, I’m the only one in the shop.

And yea, effinggreat or whatever, buy the used tranny! You’d be a fool not to.

whos Racing Larry??

^that’s what I said, “There’s no clutch… it’s automatic.” but the person argued it with me and he explained to me me like,/ he just did… and I went with it. lol

And yes it’s got a blower, I didn’t know that was another word for supercharger. LOL I’m learning, eventually… I’ll be able to post and not sound like an ass.

Not to be an asshole or anything here but if you are talking about being buried in this car and how much you love it and you begged for it, etc., etc., then I think you need to plan on setting aside some time to work on it instead of saying how you don’t want to spend a “whole weekend” under it. As I’m sure most on here who do their own shit can attest, you will need to spend SEVERAL “whole weekends” working on a >20 year old car bro, unless your goal is a Joe Dirt jalopy. And $200 is NOTHING for a working AOD, you can barely find quality valve bodies for that price! Either way, I hope it works out for ya.

If I had a whole weekend to spend under my car, I probably would. But the simple fact of the matter is, right at this moment, I’m moving into a new house, managing a softball team and well… I have a few commitments that need to be kept.

And I never said that $200 was to much to spend on a trans, never said a DAMN thing about money. I said I didn’t know if it needed it and honestly I don’t have the cash flow to drop $200 on something I MIGHT need. Or the room to store it if I don’t need it. But, thanks for your input. :slight_smile:

YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! FINALLY figured out what the hell is wrong with my carrrr! :slight_smile: The torque converter needs to be replaced. PLEH! Since the tranny is gonna be pulled ANYWAY and we don’t know how many miles are on the effing thing, apparently we’re gonna replace or rebuild that too!

Since the car is driveable right now, I’m probably gonna wait until the end of the season to pull it and do the work, put a new rebuilt tranny in, rebuild the old one myself to have around as a spare… then get it back on the road next season and MAYYYYBE hit Lebanon Valley like one of my boy’s is encouraging me to do. :slight_smile: