my reg edit does not work!!! help me!!

ok when i go to run then put in regedit the cmd window pops up all these fucked up symbols appear then it says regedit.exe has something something something… and cloese… am i fucked? a solution?

help!!! please…


Try it in safe mode.

still doesn’t work… it does some weird stuff then has to close

sounds like your regedit is corrupt…that sucks…you could try replacing it…restoring the computer…repair install…all depends on your os and your computer kowledge


try using xp disc to do a repaired install, also are u trying to get rid of a virus, chances are if its a virus it may have corrupted regedit on purpose. Try the repair option with xp disk first. If that doesnt work, back your shit up and format.

are you trying to modify your registry? Or is it an error that pops up without your help?

and error pops up when i try to open just regedit…

but!! if i open regedt32 that works just fine? :gotme: what gives?

Are you sure you know what your doing? What are you doing in regedit to begin with? CD Key swaps?

nah cleaning out the spyware/adware so that when the stupid shit doesn’t pop up at all… hi-jack this scans the registry supposedly but does not… so i gotta do it manually…

im waiting for the “shit my computer wont boot up” thread.

if you dont know what your doing dont mess around in the regisry

i know what im doing…im not completely stupid…