my share the road RANT!!

this who bike(bicycle) share the road, I wanna look like a bike messenger thing is really getting on my nerves

its slowly creeping up my list of “things that piss me off while i’m driving”

the bicycler slogan “share the road” does not mean I look out for you, treat you like an automobile, give you space, ride 10mph behide you cause you won’t move over a bit, etc… & you get to blow stop signs & stop lights, & when you come to a stop light that has a ton of cars waiting, you get to ride down the middle (happens ALL THE TIME on 5th & forbes) to the front.

if you want to SHARE THE ROAD, you need to obey all rules just like i do, or get your ass up on the curb/sidewalk with the kids & the street bmx’ers & freestylers

like i said…this has really got under my skin lately, cause they want to be treated as vehicles but break all the rules which is dangerous & god forbid if you hit one…say goodby to your lisence.

if i’m waiting @ a light & i see one coming up trying to sqeeze up to tthe front I creap over to block…& they get pissed…FU!!!

i don’t think its going to unseat my current #1
people who treat 2 ways side streets as one way riding the middle & won’t move over, or they are in front of you & stop because there is an oncoming car & they think both can’t fit… if you got too much car then get something smaller.


I agree on everything.

yeah it sucks those bike messenger wannabe’s actions kinda negates the bike communities “share the road” slogan. I will admit to blowing thorugh certain stop signs and lights but I never do it at busy intersections like Fifth and Bigelow in oakland. I’m also always very concious of letting cars pass me if I’m going too slow. I’m not about to take up a lane on fifth ave. just to prove a point like those share the road bikers. I’ve had too many close calls with big ass PAT busses not seeing me and pulling up about a foot behind me. thats when i just bunny hop my ass on to a sidewalk.

jeremy youre gonna be frustrated cause there are more and more bikers inoakland everyday. I can tell cause I’m having trouble finding a bike rack to lock my shit up lately when I’m on campus.

As an ex-messenger, having the ability to see it from the cyclist’s side. I still agree. People are taking more and more liberties on the road nowadays…making it more unsafe for all involved.

I have to agree also, I am tired of it in downtown and in Mt. Lebo all the time. I am going to work and these douchebags just do whatever they want. They complain that they want to be treated like a car when it is convenient for them, yet when there is a lot of traffic or any type of stop, they decide they no longer want to be treated like a car and be come a pedestrian and go up on the sidewalk or cut between cars. It also pisses me off in the Liberty Tubes. Multiple times, I have been sitting still in the tunnels and some fag on a bike comes flying down between the lanes, I would just love to have seen someone in the right lane open their driver’s door and flip the guy over it.

Wait till one is blowing thru between you and another car, and just HAPPEN to open the door…Down goes the cyclist :smiley:

Actually that is why most messengers/cyclists stay away from the edge of the roads where cars are parked. IT happens quite a bit, I’ve got the marks to prove it.

Same ^^^^. Was a messanger for a while to help train for racing.
I don’t like the bikers who break the laws but then whine about how unfairly they are treated. But from the mouth of someone who won’t ride Pittsburgh streets these days… drivers in this town suck. And unlike other large cities, Pittsburgh is very bike-unfriendly and I swear some drivers go out of their way to make life difficult for bicyclists.
It is not legal to ride a bike on a sidewalk. The laws ARE the same as motorists.
If both follow that rule it’ll be fine. That’s not gonna happen on either side, though.
I avoid it all by keeping my biking out of city streets. Because I always swear the next time a car tries to throw shit at me (happened too many times), or swerve to try and knock me off the road while screaming “Get on the sidewalk” (happened daily), I’m gonna shoot the fuckers.
Bottom line for me, if the biker breaks the rules, fair game. If they are obeying the traffic laws, leave them alone and don’t lump them in to the entire group.

Agreed with first post.

I can’t stand when bikers (in the suburbs where I live) ride on the INSIDE of the white line. The shoulder is 2-5 feet wide, there is plenty of room on the outside. I make sure to punch it as I pass inside-of-the-line riders. What’s even worse is when there’s 10-15 of them in a pack taking up the entire lane going 15 MPH and the speed limit is 40+.

The worst is the pedestrians . That has to walk the roads instead of PERFECTLY good Sidewalks :rolleyes:

this aint china, drive a car.

Showtime I couldn’t agree with you more. I hate when they blow stop signs and red lights. That makes my blood boil.

OK. Try riding a bike in that area. It’s littered with the shit Pittsburgh drivers throw out of their windows. Causes many flats. Not to mention the sewer grates and potholes. It’s not rideable in most areas of the city.
Next, what would you do if a car is driving 15mph in front of you? Do the same thing, then, when it is a cyclist. Honk or yell or road rage, or pass them. But it’s no different than a car.
Most large cities realize this, and make sure the outside shoulder is clear of debris, and know that if they want to get around a slow bike, then do what they would do if it were a car.
But Pittsburgh drivers are in general ignorant to some of the rules because they’re trying to get their fat, out-of-shape, littering asses home for some fried food and beer. DISCLAIMER: No, I’m not talking about you. And by “YOU”, I mean anyone reading this thinking I mean YOU.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m agreeing that many cyclists stretch the limits of the law, and the police don’t really enforce it like they should.
But, seeing it from both sides, the drivers in this town, compared to other large cities, are way worse.

Yup…can’t have it both ways.

Usually right down the middle, with sidewalks on both sides.