Man. I watch that. and it looks easy… but I’m skeptical.
It looks easy but I bet the tire has to be super soft for it to work.
I’ve seen automotive tires mounted with a garbage bag and stomped on.
I know it seems hard to beleive, but I’ve never seen it NOT work…
Fixed the cad model for the frame. My old one was all based on a measuring tape. Took the time with some more accurate tools and drew this up. Allowed me to make the rear downtubes with one bend instead of two. Messed with some brake caliper placement, but my rim is just a rough model so so I haven’t finalized the mounting. UPS says dies will be here tomorrow.
Do the forks have that short of a “stoke”? Or is it just the CAD making them look short?
internal lowering, brah
aka was a pain in the ass.
Yeah they are shortened 2". There is about 2.75" of stroke left. I increased the preload slightly.
I enjoy and appreciate all of the creativity and fab work you’re putting into this, newman. Nicely done. I’ll be honest, all these people running around these days on motorcylces have gotten on my nerves, but this thing will be awesome. Look forward to seeing the finished product.
Myself included? haha
Nice. I didn’t think that you would overlook anything, but I didn’t see it when I skimmed.
I’ll keep my stupid ass out of your thread now.
Probably haha
No worries. I appreciate all comments.
I dig the wheel choice.
Whats the idea for a color scheme?
not sure. Will decide as I go. It might not even get much of a paintjob on the tank. maybe a blowtorch and clearcoat?
You PC’ing the frame?
Probably, but only because I won’t have to pay for it.
People keep telling me to go ahead and PC mine… but I don’t really see the need in my case.
:tup: Bikes looking great.
That front tire has me on the fence, it’s pretty rugged and looks obscene against the bare frame. I’ll have to see it all together, then I bet it’ll look solid. How long til you glue a tank and basic engine on the cad drawing?