Unsire. Have a lot of actual work I can be doing now so cad may take a back seat for a bit.
I saw that on JJ. Pretty cool.
Chopper guys love SS shit. They all do.
That is sexy
4000 dollars for two wheels.
nbd fat cat lol
buffalos most custum custom.
that looks like you have to fold up like a god damn lawn chair to “ride” it…probably has a 1 gal fuel capacity like those jokes of motorcycles made by PJD and OCC…
they only need enough gas to pull into the trailer.
It’s silly but there are some things on it that are interesting…
Custum period?
Is this some Giovanna Plowman shit??
Thanks to badassz28 for letting me use his tubing bender (and showing me the largest turbo I have ever seen). Only received the dies to build the top two tubes, but they came out well. It’s pretty easy when you can start with this and then just print it in full size and just lay the tube on it to verify lengths and angles.
Don’t have many other process pictures, but it was all pretty straight forward. The finished fit is great. The two tubes were parallel within .025, the angles were on to .1 degree. Very pleased. (In the pictures they don’t look very straight…)
Slugged them with some 2" long 1/8 wall tube for strength. Won’t get to the bottom tubes til next week. Hope to get my xmission together this weekend and maybe the bars.
looks great so far…
Transmission is almost back together, but i discovered I needed a new mainshaft after I had installed it, So i’m waiting for that, but it’s otherwise shiny and clean and pretty much all new and refreshed.
While I’m waiting for that I got the dies to do this:
Why aren’t there any pix of the transmission build!!
looks really, really good newman. well done :tup: