My sunday evening - climb to the top of concrete central - NOW WITH EVEN MOAR PICS !!

i’m tied up outta town the 13th-15th. maybe that weekend?

why are the edges of the pictures so jagged?

they arent done with a fish eye lens, they are done by taking multiple pics and stitching them together using a program on my computer

i could crop them to clean them up, but i like them this way for some reason

I figured that, what is the program called?
Nice work BTW!


go into options, set image size to 100%, image quality to 100%, and if the pics are taken w/ the camera on its side click one of the clockwise / anticlockwise options

clockwise / anticlockwise is also used for vertical type panoramas, as the program cant comprehend the idea of stacking one pic directly on another, and the final result comes out shaped like a trumpet

vertical panoramas will come out rotated onto their side, requiring a simple 90* rotate to be viewed properly

i suggest not having anything else running when u stitch large pics together at full quality, double the # of pics seams to be 4 times as much work for the program, so maybe start low on the scale % quality settings and work up from there to see what your computer will take if you dont have baller a processor / ram capacity

no creepy ass dog trying to attack this time? Whoever goes out exploring with creepy keep it in mind when the cops show he likes to tell them where you are hiding

what’s the chance of the floors falling out? I wanna go in there

probably pretty slim, i want to walk out on the low roof but i gotta get a good look at it first, as its the same slab of concrete that is seen all cracked inside the building on top of the silos

i expect the outside section to be in better condition cause its sealed with tar and gravel

thats pretty awsome. I love shit like that

i’m game for a trip down, let me know when you guys go

Nice shots. Looks like a good one!

Have you ever checked out

Great site. Theres a couple places listed on there that I have been in, that guy has been EVERYWHERE.

I have been in this one, which is gone now.

I stopped bringing my camera in places since the guys I usually go with bring theirs which are newer and better than mine. So I really dont have too many pics of places I have been in. And its been a while since I have really gone anywhere also.

This is one of my fav places, its an old powerstation to a factory. Its been closed since 1968. Unfortunately the only pic I can find of it has my old car in it. whoops.

more from the same trip, because im already pumped for doing this again

walking across the active train bridge to get there

couple of the building

wrecked and burnt jeep grand cherokee in the train loading / unloading section, which is front and center of the building

some machinery on the ground floor

buffalo skyline

better shot of my budies from the top of the joe cart

more skyline, off to the right of the above skyline pic. this time you can see central terminal off in the distance (above the white building, see the office / clock tower?)

the lat / long marker on the concrete wall outside the building. installed 1948. $250 fine! oh snap … but of course at the time you could get a Ford V8 super deluxe sportsman (2 door woodie convertable) for about 2 grand

sweet pics, been there a few times. def an awsome place to take some pics. i’d love to get up to the top of that place

nice pics, never been up there in the winter cool place to go on a boring day though

you chill in the sand room?

^^ huh ?

edit: oh the diesel tank room or w/e ? yea we were in theer for a bit

when u guys going next? i would be down

Yeah Shit X2 that would be an awesome opportunity for pics

the sunday night bike ride goes there every once in a while. pretty cool to chill there when you have ~120 ppl

hell lemme know. Ill come just for the shit of it.