My sunday in church.....


Better faggot?

This past sunday i had to attend church for my g/f’s younger sisters communion.

Went out drinking the night before and my hangover wasn’t that bad until i was sitting in the hot church crammed into a pew.

I never go to church so watching all the chanting was keeping me entertained until the preist walked around tossing water on people.

It was shortly after that that the incredible urge to puke started coming.
I stood from the pew in the middle of a energetic chant and briskly walked to the bathroom.

As soon as i entered, the puke began flowing and when i was about 3 ft from the toilet it let loose, covering the floor, bowl, and tank of the toilet in puke and half digested pizza from my 3am snack the night before.

So now that i’m puking, i feel the post-draft beer shits starting to come.

So i spent 10 min switching between hovering over the bowl and unleashing hell from my ass and then bent over, pants around my ankles naked ass in the air puking into the bowl.

Finally my puking stopped, i laid down about 4" thick of toilet paper and continued shitting.

At this point a child and his father entered and the child remarked “what’s that smell?” the father responded with “someone is using the bathroom, shhhh” to which the child responded “it doesnt smell like poopie”.

They finally left, i finished up and quickly left to return to the pew as if nothing happened.

I feel like i should go to confession for defiling a church bathroom as much as i did that day.


fixed in red

oh, and one of the 3 priests had a lisp.
All i could think of when he spoke was the priest from Princess Bride

“Mawidge, the bwessed awwangement, that dweam wiffim a dweam…”


lol my priest has a lisp. i hate it. he married my cousin and it was horrible.

wonder if it was him.

did he look gay? curly dark hair?

[quote=“Mrs. Karus,post:24,topic:28975"”]

lol my priest has a lisp. i hate it. he married my cousin and it was horrible.

wonder if it was him.

did he look gay? curly dark hair?


possibly :snky: i dont think i should say which church it was

haha do tell. i wanna know now.

[quote=“Mrs. Karus,post:26,topic:28975"”]

haha do tell. i wanna know now.


i don’t know the priests name but it was a chuch out in Elma


girdle and clinton?!



girdle and clinton?!


ah fuck it.
yes that was the church

well time to leave work, if anyone is a member of that church and your dues go up or something, i am sorry.


i hate church.

religious people fucking suck.


Really? :bloated:

last summer i was out with dos and a few others doing some “urban exploration” at a place off route 5

while in the building, i started to get the urge to shit. no biggie i think, i can hold it. shortly there after the urge started to grow stronger and stonger by the second

i i started mentioned that we had to go, because i REALY had to shit … i got a bit of a stare from 2 people … and i decided it was best to repeat myself

we leave the location, and head up the street to a gas station thats still open … i quickly bail out of the car, knowing i might be to late already. i run to the front door, then calmly walk in the building. after spotting the bathroom, i make a bee line for it

as soon as im out of view of the cashier, not yet in the bathroom, i start to drop my pants … i got my ass on the toilet just as i ripped the most horrible fart ever. before i could even think of how bad that hurt, i start to shit

and shit

and shit

i rip some more farts off

then shit some more

by this point, the bathroom air is almost incapable of sustaining life …

i start to whipe my ass … and quickly realized theres almost no toilet paper … and it quickly runs out

by the time i was done wiping, the toilet was 1/2 full of paper towels, and the exhaust fan has yet to make a dent in the stink

i quickly pulled my pants up, and ran out of the bathroom, cdlosing the door tightly behind me. i composed myself, took a deep breath, and walked out past the cashier like all i did was take a leak

i got outside, RAN to the car, dove in and said “fucking leave NOW”

im sure the stink eventualy worked its way out into the store … and im sure at some point someone was digging a pile of paper towels out of the toilet … just to find my massive shit log underneith

i will never return to that gas station. i fear they have a security cam still of me pasted behind the counter …