Since i did the SR swap ive noticed the JDM trannys leaking a bit of oil thats
either coming from where the driveshaft goes into the tranny or its coming out
from above where the shifter is. Originally i thought it was from the shaft going
into the tranny because it appears the driveshaft is a inch short…which ive been
told is normal.
The leaking while the car was parked the 1st few days after the swap
stopped…but now i notice that the sides of the tranny around the shifter has
gear oil all over it…oils then making its way to the rotating part of the driveshaft
which is making it splatter all over around the driveshaft tunnel. This making me
think its for sure coming out from the shifter. I have a megan shifter(ver.1)
installed…never had a issue with it on my old tranny…Im not sure how much fluid
ive lost since i did the swap and am worried about running the tranny too dry…
My queston is how is this oil coming back out of the shifter and how can i
prevent this? Im going to pull the rubber boot off and see if its covered in oil to
confirm 100% that its shooting out of the shifter and update later.
Lasty, is it normal to have a driveshaft that appears to be a inch short with the
SR swap and JDM tranny? When its unbolted from the longer driveshaft it slides
in a good inch more than where it is now. I like to get to get full penetration
otherwise their may be issues…Is this some JDM thing?
These pics show a LOT of how disqusting the rustproofing is on my car. I hate working under the car with that stuff being 5mm thick.