My Turbo Cobalt SS Dyno + Bottle run.

Absolutely amazing. Makes me want one more and more. I miss my SS/SC. This would be a sick replacement.

wow…nice numbers :tup:

wish i could afford to trade my SC in for a TC


400 wheel horse cobalt is pretty nuts.

Spray ftw

they are front wheel drive cars but i was looking forward to seeing the turbo charged version of the cobalt in action this year after all its track times were posted and how well it did earlier in the year. im pretty impressed with it stock. was curious how much some bolt on mods can jump those numbers or is it pretty much maxed out.

any RPM #'s to go with the graph, nice #'s stock.

I bet a lot more can can be brought out considering GM has gotten 1000+hp out of older ecotecs. Anyone know if the bottom end is forged?

Will this cobalt ever show up in buffalo? If so, I want a run :tup:

that’s a lot of power the put through one wheel… damn.

He’s got the E85 LSDz yO


well done, sir

an LSD that runs on corn?


:eek: wow marcus where have you been???

That’s not bad. That’s…uh…definitely not bad.

I still like these…

Hell, I considered buying a SC one.

impressive, does the sky/solstice make that kind of power?

if its anything like the turbo lsj’s than it should handle over 400whp pretty damn well. Providing the clutch and transmission hold up. Aparently from what I’ve heard the f35 doesn’t really stand up too well at over 400tq, but hell I could be wrong…

ohhh warranty… :lol:

not many people did much with the lnf 2.0 to push it much. set up the way its set up with the computer and from the sound of it, rods,pistons etc. should be good.

I love all the fuck tards on youtube

not one said anything nice, lil fuckers. where their cars at? where their $ at? i called out a shit load on cobalt boards for $1k :lol:

:tup: you should have got the graphs on vid for the non believers

You ought to know better. No one respects anyone else’s ride. Smile, nod, then tell em to bring money and not excuses.