My Turbo Nightmare

If you really want peoples opinions, Ill give you mine

Say fuck it. Sell it all. Car included. All gone. Work off all your debt. I know for a fact that $9k did not come out of pocket.

Do you have any kind of plan for the next 10 years of your life? Because they are crucial. Do you have an education? Do you have a career job? If you answer no to any of these questions, you have no business dropping that amount of money into a car.

I drive a 95 Blazer. I could easily go out tommorow and finance my way into almost anything I want. But thats the totally stupid thing to do.

I have realized that there is a massive difference between making money and building money. Im beginning to build my money through investments, rather than throwing my money in the garbage over some dumbass car.

At our age, we need to begin to establish a critical mass of money, something that will continue to grow as we age. I will retire at 45. Im working very hard to achieve that goal. It does require sacrifices though. Not spending +$30k total on a car is one of them. I learned this the hard way, and hopefully so will you. I was fortunate enough to keep myself 100% out of debt though…

Bottom line is you need to be in a position where you can let your money work for you…