My Turbo Nightmare

Sell it, buy something cheaper & more easily modifiable and a daily or get out of debt.

ehh, tell you striaght up. i am very materialisc and have to have “nice” things. I know, its my problem.

As far as selling the car, i should ive made this cleaer but i would keep the car and just sell the turbo kit.

atleast be materialistic by comparisson… a reliable running car is much nicer right now.

I would sell all the turbo parts then and buy a different car to mod and DD the IS.

that was something i was seriously concdering

infact, thats a real good idea.


It seem like your way over your head.

no, not really. just debating if i want to keep on shelling out cash for this car… another $3k and im back in the game. but who knows what will break after that… that is what i am debating.

I don’t know man. That puts you at about 13g’s. So think about it. I would just sell all the parts ditch the car and start with something fresh. IMHO it’s starting to turn into a money pit. And if you financing this with a credit card thats not a really smart thing to be doing. But it’s your money your car so it’s your call. All I can do is give you my opinion like the rest have said…

dont know where you guys keepon getting the credit card stuff, i dident buy my parts trough a credit card.

Sorry I was just going by what was mentioned by the other posters… Thats my bad.

But seriously think about what you have into this car, when it was suppose to be a simple turbo conversion.Over 13G’s to boost a car is crazy expensive man…

Probably cause you posted about seeking info about credir cards…

By the way, E46 M3. /of story.


WOW dude, i told u this a LONG TIME AGO

but i guess u just like not listening to anyone lol…

If i would be you.
I would talk to HotRodKid or somebody else except your mechanic… to see where you stand, and what you can with all the stuff that you have now. See what you need to finish the build. If you run into problems again such as those that you described, i would stop the build.

Why choose HotRodKid?
Because he does EXCELLENT work. I was there when he built the Turbo SHO, and i was just amazed of what he can do without ‘somedude’ spending a ton of money.

Another thing is, listen to what people tell you. I don’t mean that in a bad way or anything.

Sell the car, or get a different project car.

Thats all, good luck.

thanks for the advise guys, i know what im gonna do now… ill be selling the turbo parts… and picking up a project car… already know which one im picking…

…and that new car is…?

1G 4g63??

lol. quit dosing us!

fucking insane … im so game for this shit

and in proper HRK style, i agreed to help before i was even told whatthe project is :rofl:

:snky: :snky: but it will be a cheaper car much cheaper.