My Turbo Nightmare

need a shortblock, oil pump, water pump, headgasket and timing belt. then im all set…

honestly, i would finish it. i was in this boat a while back, and kinda pop back into it every season it seems. hopefully next year i can work out my final bugs and have a good season. but if it works out ill probably keep upping the boost until i blow it up cause ill laugh by balls off cause i already have a spare motor lol.

not what I meant.

Purchase price = $xx,xxx

Current KBB private party = $xx,xxx

You currently owe $xx,xxx on the vehicle

You put a down payment of $xx,xxx

If down payment + what you currently owe is > KBB value, you’re upside down on the car.

So again, how much are you upside down/how much cash can you get out of the car if you sold it as a stock IS300? (KBB value - what you owe)

i owe less then what the KBB is. and i dident have any down payment.

By how much? How much cash in hand do you have if you sell the car today for KBB PRIVATE PARTY value in good condition?

not much… probaly like 1-2k .