my uncles house burnt down this morning


Well as long as it didnt take your uncle with it, its okay… Houses can be rebuilt, lives can’t!

yeah they’re ok…was my dads brothers house

Sorry to hear that. Bad time of the year too. :frowning:

they lost their dog i guess :frowning:

oh man that sucks big time!!! feel soo bad for them kurt!!! hope that everyone else is ok!!! your family is in our prayers!!! :frowning: :frowning:

my uncle is a truck driver he’s in south dakota he isn’t even home :frowning:

wow that sucks!@

sorry to hear, hopefully the dog did get out.

where are they located? wasn’t there like a big arson ring in like connelsville or somewhere? i remember hearing it on the news

no it was in the kittanning area they’re not sure what started it. the dog didn’t make it

sorry to hear the bad news… fire is one of my biggest fears.

sorry to hear that man, a house just down the road from me burnt down the other day too

it was arson, they arrested my cousins husband and his friend


that sucks… hope your uncle is coping with it alright.