My V Twin

the absolute LAST fucking thing Richard Krant needs is a god damn Monster energy drink

SF Monster works for me!

An Italian motorcycle next would be grand. I lust over the Super Classic’s although @newman will probably add one to his fleet first. -_-

The sound of it, DEAR LORD, the sound!!! Me and you should take a road trip in one-it would look two giraffes in a circus car. About the only way we would fit is if we found one with a sunroof and opened it and let our heads stick out the top. The car is TINY inside.

Don’t be too jealous, British and Italian bikes are often finicky, which means they are often broken. Ask me how I know lol

HAHAHAHAH!!! Now I want to be your best friend…classic.

This made me laugh ^ … cause it’s true.

I’ve been getting emails here and there from the buyer in NJ. I told him to take that horrible fairing off and run I over with a dump truck I hated it so much. He removed it and smashed it. Did some routine maintenance to the bike-fluids, brakes, new battery. Cleaned it up a bit and threw on a new exhaust, seat, and crash bar. Short of tearing it all apart the result is pretty damn good.

looks fucking radical dude…

very cool looking bike! those fairings were pretty awful

I am a firm believer that form follows function but those god damn things were AWFUL!!!

He’s been trying to sell that one for a long time-since before I bought the Eldorado. That bike is pretty nice and definitely much cheaper to buy that over building it. The Ambassador is a 4 speed 750cc while the Eldorado is an 850cc 5 speed

@focusinprogress agreed that; it’s the 2nd best looking Italian he’s ever seen…me being the 1st.


check out if you want to see some real Italian porn. He posts bikes for sale on Ebay from time to time and the police bikes are nothing short of amazing. You’re talking $30k though, making that Ambassador look like a steal.