you should definitely save everything and see how much it weighs when you’re all done
how the front end is set up is awesome
you should definitely save everything and see how much it weighs when you’re all done
how the front end is set up is awesome
kick ass.
I just hope the rest goes this smoothly!
its just some tape and wires?
looks good mark
Didn’t you have a red Evo? Either way it looks like a breeze to work on an Evo
Not all Evos are tube frame front ends
oh please… you know he weighs every single wire he takes out and every single bolt that he “doesnt need” is removed to save weight lol
Welp, after taking my seats out of the car, laying on my back under the roll cage, and undoing 2 IMPOSSIBLE connectors, I was able to pull the Front harness (LH) out of the car. This includes the fuse block, and all of the rest of the front chassis items, like headlights, turn signals, etc… I am going to go through and remove all of the wires from this next, and hopefully make it so the fuse block can go INSIDE of the car.
a wire tuck on an evo, sweet!
this looks like serious fun
I’m super impressed by this, but that might be because I’m deathly afraid of fiddling with wiring harnesses and the like… in any case, nice work!
I started on the fuse block last night and today, and it’s coming along really good. I did it smart, and pulled the fuses and relays out of the fuse block months ago, so that I could guarantee that I didn’t need them for other parts of the car. Now that I know the car works great without them, I can pull the wires out. Here is the whole harness with the tape off:
So far, I have found and eliminated this many wires. I haven’t cut them yet, but I am taping them off and putting them aside.
Next, I am looking at how many wires I will have to extend, to run to the engine bay, since I plan on keeping the fuse block under the dash. There are 8 wires for the headlights, and then another 8 or so for things I have not figured out yet, those may get narrowed down. Here are those wires:
Then, on the other end of the harness, are the connectors that tie into the dash harness, which I assume goes to the ETACS module, and the gauge cluster, etc… I will keep going through the fuse block, I would guess that I only removed about half of the wires so far, but this is a GREAT start!
Did some grade-A depinning today on the fuse block itself. I started out by cutting the wires I knew I could get rid of (a/c, horn, fans), and then tracing them to everything they touch. I spent a lot of time on this, so I am confident it was done correctly. Here is what it looked like cut:
Next step was to flip it over, and use a thin screwdriver to release the clips on each wire, so that I could remove the pin. This is what it looks like after depinning:
This was the greatest number of wires removed yet. This pile is just the beginning. I need to reference the interior harness as well as the engine harness before I remove more wires, but I am confident that more will be removed from this fuse block harness:
Lastly, I have narrowed down the number of wires I have to extend, confirming that I will be keeping the entire fuse block in the interior, under the dash. I can’t wait to see the finished projects to come in the weeks ahead.
Good work, I hated depinning. I never got that special touch to make it easy after doing 30+ of them in my 2G. Should look very clean when you’re done!
So, the past 2 days have been a bloody mess, but I am pushing through. I wanted to pull the entire engine harness out of the car, so that I can clean that up. Since the car came with ACD, the whole ACD tranny ecu is wired into the engine harness, so that all has to go. Pulling the engine harness is the toughest thing I have done yet. The only way to get to all of the parts was to pull the intake manifold and charge pipe, and even then it was difficult.
After going through and pulling every clip possible (and only cutting 1 wire), I was able to snake everything through the firewall, and around all of the brake lines. This is the disaster I was working with:
But, I got it!
And now you can see, the engine bay is super empty. There are no wires at all (other than my thick cable that runs back to the fuel pump in the back). Very clean looking, and I hope to keep it as much like this as possible. By keeping the fuse block, and battery in the car, under the dash, it should keep the number of wires I need to run out into the engine bay to a minimum.
I have to take a break for a few days though. I keep forgetting that my back acts up when I bend over too much, and it’s pretty raw right now. Give me a week though and I can go back out there without any pain. That week can also give me enough time to hopefully depin this harness, and get it ready again for install
thats a major project that I dont think i would want to take on!! good luck with it, why are you getting rid of the acd? but then again i doubt you will ever use it when your only drag racing this car
Got the tape off of the harness tonight, and started pulling the cut wires, just to start it off. The first picture is the harness laid out on the floor, so you can see what it all looks like, and then the second picture is the small pile of wires I pulled off of it so far, and my cat helping
Once someone can confirm that I can remove all of the wiring associated with the ACD tranny ecu, that will be huge! It’s like 25+ wires, that go to who-knows what
---------- Post added at 09:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:55 PM ----------
I don’t have ACD in the car, it has had non-acd parts for the past 2 owners. Because of that, I figure it would be pretty beneficial, for weight and simplicity to remove all of the associated wiring and what not that goes along with it. It’s probably really cool on a rally car, but just like on my STi’s with the DCCD, I would never use it on a street car, it just add to normal street driving for me.
yea F that acd bullcrap!
Ugh, I have a headache tonight, and I am not sure if that is making me cranky, or if this wiring is just getting to me. I removed this much out of the engine harness tonight:
And now the harness that comes through the firewall is just this:
I found this connector under the dash, by the stereo, and I have no clue what it is. It seems to have plastic plugs in the openings, so maybe it’s for diagnostic use at the dealer? Let me know if anyone knows, I’d love to remove it: