My Winter Project Car:

So, ever since i was about 8 my dream car was super expensive. But now it wouldn’t be that expensive. So over the winter, I will be buying my dream car, and painting it. It will get looks wherever it goes.

My Winter 2006 project is:

and i’m not even fucking joking.

all i need is to find a decent running early 90’s explorer, and someone thats up to the paint/vinyl job.

does anyone know who could do a good paintjob?


im up for the paintwork :slight_smile:

This would be well worth a trip back to buffalo to see when finished

You think that’s gonna be easy? Considering new they weren’t even decent running :slight_smile:

lol F…ound O…n R…oad D…ead:)

maybe u should decide a project and stick to it

“Fucker Only Rolls Downhill” lol

i think that would look pretty sweet seein one of those around tho lol

I’ve seen the Mystery Machine around here:lol: why not this:)


my old fav movie…awesome :tup:

i think its going to be super easy, but the nly problem i can see is the funding for a night vision goggle set, and the glass roof :frowning:

lol @ howie

just skip the roof mods for now … for all the extra cost of the plexi roof panel, its something noone will notice is missing unless they REALY know the movie

I would remake the Jeep but that’s just me.

That’s why it’s on a track to begin with :slight_smile:

thats a really gay waste of money :hang: :hang: but i know people that could do the work.

my first car was a 94 explorer eddie bauer edition. I can confidently say that it is the shittiest truck on the planet. seriously

Now theres a powerful statement.

My winter project will be to build a robotic T-rex to step on y0 [email=“expl0d@r”]expl0d@r

Then how the hell is he supposed to see the goat leg when its dropped on top of the truck???

Hahaha. I totally just laughed out loud in school. And it was bad. Because it was a loud laugh. But back to the topic at hand… if you seriously do this, I will love you forever. That is hilarious. Actually, it’s genious.

Except, it’s really sad that your dream car was a FORD EXPLORER.