Winter Build Plans???

I know I’m not the only one burning through my hard earned money and giving up my free time in hopes of creating something cool as hell.

What is everyone up to this winter? How are the builds going? Post pics!!!

As many know my winter has been building a 65 Nova, LS+turbo, and getting better at TIG welding. Lots of fun so far.

This thing is super lame.

I’m buying many things for the Mini but nothing as serious as your build. Looking good :tup:

I got nothin’ :frowning:

I can’t do updates. My car is all the way in Rochester :frowning: 4g63girl or STM can though


jerk ^

went from this:

to this:

to this:

then sent these out to Justin @ Detective coating

which turned into this:

also picked up some non go-fast superficial parts

and some other odds and ends and just waiting on other things to come in the mail so i can actually work on the car Lol

When it warms up a little I’ll put the transmission back together for the rabbit.
Nothing really amazing there - 5th gear swap for a highway gear.
Put an ABA in it after the VR6 didn’t work out.

My nova is just sitting. Maybe the SBC will finally explode and give me motivation to swap it.

Buying bits for my T-type.

So the small brakes haven’t come yet hendel?

is the rabbit done yet?

my winter build would be pushing minglor to the breaking point so he finishes the rabbit. possibly helping from time to time too haha

I’ll just talk about an alpha kit for the 997 or acquiring a GTR, but will ultimately do nothing. :expressionless:

not yet. emery posted up like 12 or so rotor hats on facebook today at their shop so i am hoping some of them are mine! Lol

Nothing awesome but apparently my brother is putting this on a built 408 in his truck

No plans this year. First time in 8 years I havn’t done something really stupid. Over it, for now.


Cool stuff guys. More pics!

Those purple hats were for my car haha. You might wanna talk to emery about the springs we just had made for my d2’s. Paul’s getting a similar set made for his coils and you might wanna run them for your car. They’re custom swift springs. It’ll help that car plant better.

first engine build!

expensive as shit but learning a lot

Going to pull my beetle totally apart…project 16 years in the making…but first i have to get the garage organized. Hopefully get going after christmas