My Xbox 360 is over heating!!!??

Cant say I have ever thought of doing this to cool it down.

yeah read that earlier, his parents must be proud

A little shock is good for the boy

it all comes down to the Buffalo theory here, in the end he will only become smarter

the logic was right, poor execution lol

People laugh when they see my 360 sitting on one of those little cookie racks, but I must say it works a lot better than putting it under water.

Watercooling LOL

plastic bags also help cool 360s

couldnt you sit your 360 on one of those laptop coolers?

That lasted about 5 mins.


WOW, heard of some dumb shit, this one is right up there on the list.

Those laptop coolers pull air, the 360 needs air pushed into it from the bottom.

drr, so turn it over.

my laptop cooler has a switch to change fan direction.

Dunk the whole thing in mineral oil

funny story, I actually lived in Brevard North Carolina for about 6 months, lets just say that his act of stupidity isnt shocking (to me anyways lol)

Get one of those “intercooler” gizmo’s. I have one and so far so good. I played gears of war online for about 8 hours with no problems.

Was he chillin’ with Dracula in the hospital?? WTF?

Actually if he got a crapload of mineral oil, it wouldn’t have happened… Mineral oil does not conduct electricity in the least…

buy the intercooler that is what i did i runs alot better now!
