So.. xbox 360 freezing =

It’s probably getting too hot, yes?

It’s not in an enclosed area - but it’s not too well ventilated. I didn’t think this thing needed that much air.

thats what happened before i got my ring of death i would try to refrain from using it for a while. just my .02

airflow = ftw

Watercool it, do itttt…

sounds like you got sold a bunk xbox360!!!

dunno, mine freezes up sometimes, disc read errors etc.

it needs a lot of ventilation, if you have anything on top of or around it, take it off for sure

what do you expect, its microsoft :stuck_out_tongue:

They need levitation. ATTN: Kris Angel

i had a projector blowing on my xbox 360. it lasted a day… :frowning:

If you feel like tearing the 360 open, you can do the “X clamp replacement”.
Actually, first off…does it get the 3red lights? Even if it doesnt it is 75% chance its still the GPU or the CPU. If you do get the red lights you can get a 2nd error code out of it.

Here is the procedure for the “X Clamp Replacement”

Here’s a few sites/forums with alot of good info.,161,137,140,166,141,145,177

That last site has ALOT off neat shit to jazz up ur xbox. I’m trying like hell not to buy stuff like, box lighting, ect ect

But, if u do redo the X clamps, use the Artic Silver #5, cut the metal grill from the case for better air flow, wire your fans to run on 12V (=faster), and consider putting a fan in front of the CPU heat sink or in the top of the case, blowing on or a bit infront of the CPU heatsink.

Hope the tidbit of info helps ya b

(Ive done alot of researching on these peices of shit to see how to make them better)

Hope lil tidbit of info helps ya brutha! Lemmie know what u do.

OH! and check out my threads about my experience in the “Huge Nerd Corner” area.

ya… keep it cool. lay it down and not stand it up… mine stopped freezing after that

if all else fails, call MS and they should send you a replacement, thats what i did, no problems since :clap:


if all else fails, call MS and they should send you a replacement, thats what i did, no problems since :clap:



put ice cubes in the disk tray to cool it down

damn, i was gonna challange you to a race on forza2 in my siq pagani…

OH YEAH! If you have never opened it up, I read that u can call MS and buy an extended warranty. Then, you can call a week later and send your box in for a fix. Also, if you want to send it in w/o warranty, its $130.


ya… keep it cool. lay it down and not stand it up… mine stopped freezing after that


Yup, mine stopped freezing after that, and the cd’s are less noisy too.

Layed down, put out in open area, had fan blowing cool air on it, still froze, albeit after like, almost 2 hours of playing.


Layed down, put out in open area, had fan blowing cool air on it, still froze, albeit after like, almost 2 hours of playing.


dood, seriously, just call it in to MS. they give you a claim number and will send you a box to put it into to send out so they can get yo ua replacement. took me about a week til i got mine, no problems since with some serious R6 hours logged under my belt :clap:

PS R6 blind fire with P90 around first wall up the little stairs to the left in LVU campus = good times and lots of death.

PPS. :clap:


PS R6 blind fire with P90 around first wall up the little stairs to the left in LVU campus = good times and lots of death.

PPS. :clap:


:clap: Good choice, when the weather stops being nice and i go on vacation, well have to get some good games going and work on our techniques :clap:

PS me and bladez have wasted approximately 1-2 years of our life on LVU campus already :clap:

PS mike and ken are nerdz with R6

so when are we gonna start playing online again???

i needz to get in ur base and get my rankz up