Xbox 360 Solution For Freezing/Lockup

"GAMER fed up with his new Xbox 360 crashing every 20 minutes has fixed the problem by raising the power supply off the ground with some string.

Dan, from Duluth, or ‘goldeneyemaster’ as he is known, told the game spot forum here that he thinks the main reason that the xBox 360 freezes is because the power supply overheats. The solution is to lift the power supply off the floor and allow the air to circulate better around it."

Leaving it to gamers to find solutions is not a policy Microsoft should be depending on. nice though

I agree 100% but this should do until they replace the bad PSU’s or fix them.

i’m curious how many people who have overheating problems set their systems right on a rug or somthing like that.

$10 says around 25% or more. They should do a serious poll on that. I’ve never set a system on a rug… and if I had to I would at least sit it on a box or something. Have never had a problem.

yep, same here. i’ve always thought its common sense to keep it somwhere that it won’t get heatsoaked. but people are dumb so it wouldn’t suprise me!

i love mine so much i wrap it in a blanket… keep it nice and warm

I bet it loves you so much that it plays your games at a better resolution or something. Lucky bastard.

Sounds like a nice heatsink and fan is in order for the PSU…

:word: Maybe they’ll ship you some auper cold liquid cooled system to hook into that damn thing.

Didn’t microsoft have a problem with overheating with the first revision of the normal X-Box?


Yes, I think the very first didn’t have a fan just a heat sink or something.

I was just gonna say that. I remember a bunch of the first Xbox’s were starting on fire.

My US Robotics external 28.8K modem did that, I had to blow a fan on it.

wanna go out?

Had my 360 freeze up tonight while i was playing, so after reading this thread and getting paranoid i lifted my power supply up off the ground and leaned it up on its side at an angle. Played for a few hours after with no troubles. :gotme:

hows pgr3 treatin ya? we’ve been playing perfect dark for a while now, on the “jungle” mission

havent even tried it yet :stuck_out_tongue: I was too busy pimping out bladez and Oroc to win more money for me in career mode since I am too special ed to do it :smiley:

Ill give PGR3 a try tomorrow on live :tup:

:word: haha, oroc and i have a lot of work ahead of us…but you did kick some ass with that one cop chase though :smiley: