Mythbusters - Gas Mileage

I don’t know if anyone caught this but I will provide a summary I found online:

The Mythbusters on the Discovery Channel have a new episode this month titled “Big Rig Myths”. One of the myths tested is drafting. On a closed track with stunt drivers on board for advice, they conducted a set of runs with a stock semi truck and a late model Dodge Magnum (full size station wagon). The fuel usage was measured directly from the fuel injection harness and tracked on a laptop computer. They note (as all readers should note) that at 55mph, the minimum safe/legal following distance is 150 feet (just less than two seconds).

They achieved the following results -
55mph - no vehicles in front - 32mpg
Drafting @100 feet - 35.5mpg (+10%)
Drafting at 50 feet - 38.5mpg (+20%)
Drafting at 20 feet - 40.5mpg (+27%)
Drafting at 10 feet - 44.5mpg (+39%)
Drafting at 2 feet - 41.0mpg (+28%)

Lessons to be learned by the Mythbusters -

Lesson 1 - They stated on the show that the likely reason the number went down so sharply at 2 feet is because the driver had to move the throttle constantly to keep the precise distance, and the throttle movement degraded FE. Lesson we learn - DWL is a great tool to keep those FE numbers up.

Lesson 2 - We realize that a full size Magnum gets 32mpg (EPA is in the low to mid 20s, I believe) at a steady 55mph. Even without any vehicle in front, driving at 55 saves a lot of gas.


95% sure this was posted already. But its a nice refresher

Yea, i like to draft about 5 feet behind trucks.

It keeps the truckers awake.

Yeah… I saw this the other night.

I loved the girl’s recations every time the asian guy told her how much drag was reduced when testing the models in the wind tunnel.

I like to drive under the truckers, its the ultimate drafting technique

Hmmm… Why didnt the test that? Cut the springs and ride on spares?

you have to take like 3 in off the top so a choped top or no tires :gotme:


Can’t wait to see how many people are going down the highway driving 10 feet behind truckers now.

But it worked soo good on F&F!

In a prius with a hot air intake and low rolling resistance tires 2" wide inflated to 80psi?

Gotta cover it in Crisco to help the air flow.

My way to better gas mileage is not allowing fat girls to ride in my car.

i always try to draft trucks, but thats when i start falling asleep…

Yup - you get a few more mpg, but they didnt mention that that front of your car will also look like a war zone from all the stones that the semi’s will throw onto it…

Prius owners will spend $800 on PPF to save $300 a year in gas

Beat me to it! haha