n62 MAF on rb25

Hi everyone,

I was messing around with my n62 maf sensor. I took it out and tried to wire another maf in. After i took out the old maf and put the other one in the car wouldn’t rev over 2500 rpm. I tried to rewire the old maf back in but when i did the car would still only rev up to 2500. I think it might be a problem with the sensor wire (the one that is shielded). Does anyone know what i need to do so i can rip my rb25 again? Or how am i supposed to wire the maf so that it works properly.


a 2500rpm rev limit is a nissan safety feature if the maf sensor is missing. meaning you are not getting a maf signal sent to the ecu.

verify your wiring check positive and negative. once started you can put the volt meter on the signal wire and you should see a rising voltage as you rev it up. idle should be around .50 volt up to 3v free reving.

dont worry about the shielded wire as that is just a noise supression feature or the signal wire.
