NAACP Calls Greeting Card Racist

This is just f’ing ridiculous.

Out for 3 years until someone decided to be offended by a card that had nothing to do with them.

Next thing you know it will be demeaning to just name the color.

They just want their 15 minutes of ‘fame.’ Even if it is 15 minutes of the country calling them fucking morons.

You dumb old bag. Its a fucking cartoon voice, its not suposed to speak 100% fluent english. Maybe it was an asian that read off the telepromter when they recorded that card.

Do thyey really think that a fucking halmark card will increase black hate crimes or something? Shit, I might go buy one of those cards off ebay right now and go out and kill some brothas after I flip it open and liston to it.

thats crazy, next thing u know people will be offended by habib !

fucking naggers

Wow buncha ego driven boces in the NAACP

i hope someone murders everyone that complained about the card.

and i hope the naacp realizes they are the reason that racism is still alive and as wide spread as it is.

“sounds like children laughing and joking about blackness, again”

Now this is racist :rofl

:rofl so many :lol:lol:lol:lol

that lil kid got some love for da chicken. He better watch his black ass then naacp is gunna yank his dark butt video off you tube!

Edit. apparently I cant say BA

this. 100%

OMG are you fucking kidding me! Go back to AFRICA!


Buncha black holes complaining about that card

So… you could say they pulled… the race card?


And they wonder why racism still lives on…

you know whats racist?