NAACP Calls Greeting Card Racist

fucking *******.

im deeply offended.

oh shit :rofl perfect

just watched the video, thats sad… stupid *******

“sounds like a bunch of kids laughing and joking about…blackness”

WAT :rofl i died

LOL, +rep

Wayne, you just made my day. + rep x 1,000

YES… +1 for you my boie.

The NAACP already fought that battle with Johnson-and-Johnson…

I like the straight BLACK one myself!hahahaha

Fuckin n i g n o g s

Wayne that is fucking hilarious.

But srs, are you ni99ers fucking kidding me? Thats top 5 on my most ridic list. Racist? A god damn graduation card from, HALLMARK. Really? Are these people that stupid, that they actually believe what they’re saying? OMG.

It really can’t be racist anyhow. I mean, how many times have you had to buy a Graduation card for a black person?

See, now THAT’S racist.


Are they fucking serious? Dumb motherfuckers. I usually don’t get that riled up about this shit, but that is fucking stupid.

oh damn. I wasnt aware of those.

can you get black band aids??? i’ll fucking wear those instead. put that shit on my dick and make it look bigger.

Apparently you can according to Mike.

im suprised that we are all surpised . i mean come on 1 ni99a prez wiped out a entire country basically they aint stoppin anytime soon . pretty soon wipin our ass is racist cause white paper comes out with brown poop on it