#1. I’m not a liberal. I’m far from it.
#2. This country is not getting fucked up because of things like this. This country is getting fucked up because people THINK american is getting fucked up by bullshit issues like this, and don’t pay attention to the things that are really fucking the country up.
#3. You keep saying that this “moral degradation” is fucking America up. Please explain how. Explain how homosexuals being allowed to marry will have a negative impact on your life.
#4. I’m not imposing anything. I’m not telling you that you have to think that being gay is or is not ok. I’m saying that its not the GOVERNMENTS place to say that being gay is or isn’t ok. Why you cant differentiate between the two is beyond me.
#5. I love how you say its pointless to argue with a liberal because they’re never wrong. Liberals stand for tolerance and equality. They believe the government should help those less fortunate. If Jesus walked the earth today, he would be a liberal, yet you throw the word around like it’s an insult.
I’ll be waiting for you response.