i’m calm there was no hostility intended. but do u think we have to keep changing just to change… i don’t think the homosexual movement is making society stronger but pulling it aparts from its foundations. I don’t think that individual homos should have less rights than your average vagina/penis loving man/woman but i do think as gay couple you don’t get the rights of those who are of opposite sexes as has been tradition since the begging of the world pretty much. Its a choice that is made outside the laws of the land, keep is that way. say darkstar liked to fuck goats, and maybe he found a whole bunch of people that were the same. do we then say well you know we should really recognize these people and their marrigage to goats. NO the line is drawn at man-woman marriages and if you wanna have something outside of what is considered the law then fine but legally you will not and should not get recognized as so. thats my whole point. I don’t care what they do, i just don’t wanna see them get any legal legs under them.