Nancy Palosi

& he created eve from a rib from adam…that must have been a great show.
i wonder if they had a stadium seating surgery room for that…i know i would have liked to see it.

you still have no good argument against it…

like i said earlier…whats up with the vows between 2 women in the bible?

I don’t go to church and worship all the time, but that does’nt mean I don’t have beleifs, I’m just telling you that marriage is between a man and a women, thats what I beleive.

then why are any of us married?

Whats to argue about, I beleive it’s between a man and a women and you don’t, this could go on all day. As for the vows between 2 women, I will have to do some checking cause I don’t recall hearing do you take this women twice when I got married.

and that doesn’t mean that someone who doesn’t believe this crap can’t have beliefs and morals also.

I could care less what the gays do. If they want to be married, go ahead. The sex and bj’s will stop, the other person will nag, and they will eventually get divorced. Just like the rest of us. :smiley:

see @ least you have a legitimate reason unlike cobra.

I agree & don’t think gay/lesbian non-married couples should be able to collect benefits …but the reason they want to is because they are not allowed to marry

so just let them marry & be done with it…i still don’t see a legitimate argument against the actual marriage.

its been part of society since the beggining, its supposed to be a sacred bond between a man and women etc…etc…etc this gay marriage shit is just something the fucking outsiders are tryin to inject into society that doesn;t belong.


because… is not a acceptable answer.

some say its cause same sex can’t procreate…some have other arguements agianst it…all you have is “because thats what i believe”

i guess its like santa…he’s real if you believe.

you can fix the benifits part of it real easy. Force the companies (companies of a certain size and bigger), through laws, to stop screwing people and require them to pay some sort of benifits per employment. thats a whole other issue.

yeah can you believe that…

just like they did with freedom & equal rights…i hate to see whats next…maybe legalized stem cell research…oh…no

just cause i think that homosexuals don’t have a leg to stand on doesn;t mean i was talking about minorities. I would never say that a persons skin color makes them less of a human being but i would say you don’t get the same rights as a married man and woman if you are a homosexual.

heres the problem with homo’s. the outspoken faction wants it to be embraced by the masses through them constantly shoving it down our throats (no pun intended) i’m against it because of their practices. the civil rights cause was a legitamit thing but the way small groups act now is if they want it on silver platter.

Where do you see because as my answer? I tell you what I beleive and why and you don’t and won’t ever accept so whats the point in arguing with you. Why do you want gays to marry? I’d like to here your response.

its not that i want them to marry…its that i don’t see the reason for them not to.

so many people are against it & make it a big issue…& the majority can’t give good reason.
& then when you queation thieir weak points they get all hostile…like cutty is starting to get.

even the argument about gas not being able to procreate is a weak arguement.

the best one is the one cutty brought up about benefits…but letting them amrry would solve most of that.

like i said if i say santa is real cause i believe…does that make it true…no
cause you believe is a weak argument…thats the same as “because”

is it because church as brain washed you to think its wrong?

chill…i’m just messing with you…your missing my point

my point was that i think it an evolution of a society there has to be change & tolerance.

it just like anything else…people who are not accepted act out.

you have to have courage when your the minority & tolerance when you’re the majority

i’m calm there was no hostility intended. but do u think we have to keep changing just to change… i don’t think the homosexual movement is making society stronger but pulling it aparts from its foundations. I don’t think that individual homos should have less rights than your average vagina/penis loving man/woman but i do think as gay couple you don’t get the rights of those who are of opposite sexes as has been tradition since the begging of the world pretty much. Its a choice that is made outside the laws of the land, keep is that way. say darkstar liked to fuck goats, and maybe he found a whole bunch of people that were the same. do we then say well you know we should really recognize these people and their marrigage to goats. NO the line is drawn at man-woman marriages and if you wanna have something outside of what is considered the law then fine but legally you will not and should not get recognized as so. thats my whole point. I don’t care what they do, i just don’t wanna see them get any legal legs under them.

i underatand your view…
at least you have a legitimate argument.

see i’m not a complete douche

I think a lot of people are forgetting that Marriage is a sacrament of the church. Why are queers so eager to be “married” ? If you don’t belong to, or agree with the church, why do you want to be married? Cutty already covered it, it’s just about benefits, and sticking it to the rest of us.

The fact is, that they are not the norm, and they are not capable of reproducing, (which in itself disproves evolution). That being said, they should not be outcasts from society, but at the same time we shouldn’t bend over backwards to make them “fit in.”

Think a little further down the road, if they get married, then they can start adopting children. How screwed up is that kid going to be? Is it right to put a kid in a home with 2 queer parents? A kid that has had a rough beginning as it is, now he gets beat up because some homos adopted him. It’s bigger than just “letting them get married.”

The true meaning of the word “gay” isn’t even recognized anymore, because it’s so commonly used to mean homosexual.

Why is it ok for them to take things that used to be something else, and change it to fit them?

You want to be a homo, fine, you want to have a homo partner, fine. But WTF is a “gay marriage?” Well if you went by the dictionary, it would be a happy union between a man and a woman, but I guess that’s just now how society is anymore.

because they want a good rep, they took the word gay which means happy. they also took the rainbow, something of which is a beautiful natural phenomenon. they picked those to appear as if being homosexual is a good natural thing. they really shoulda picked an old fashion McDonalds big mac container… a non natural man made thing and bad for the enviornment :smiley: