Nancy Palosi

why is this a problem…for all you who bitch about it.


The only option? What about NOT going to war with them? That seems like a fairly viable option. :hsugh:

you do know that our tax dollars fund many many many things much more outrageous that supplying toilet paper to troops and workers within the ‘red zone’… i dunno, i’m not taht suprised that toilet paper costs more in the middle of the desert during a war than in america with stores on every street corner… basic economics… i don’t support overcharging and ‘profiteering’… but that is the american way, now isn’t it Mr. Pool Boy (undirected threat to quote thread where darkstar points out that he overcharges clients to support the ideal of running a ‘higher end’ business, not that i’m against it… just pointing it out)… :slight_smile:

:rofl: @ comparing my company to war profiteering. If I got no-bid contracts and charged $100,000 per pool I work on, with the burden being shouldered by the taxpayers, and only because we’re at war then yes there would be something wrong with that. YOu say you don’t support profiteering, but say it’s just the American way? :ugh: The american way is taking advantage of no-bid contracts so you can FUCKING RAPE the american taxpayer and make INSANE profits? It’s unethical for the companies to do it, and its UNCONSCIONABLE for the government to let it happen. You bitch that the Democrats are going to have to raise taxes, but you dont care that our government is horribly inefficient and wastes money which is the CAUSE for the higher taxes. :rofl:

you ca talk till your blue in the face…some people will never see or understand it…they just say…well my taxes are being cut now so i’m happy.

an administration riding out its tax cut promise & passing the burden onto the next administration doesn’t count.

its got to be paid @ some point…so whomever gets elected in 08…don’t blame them for rasing taxes trying to fix the hole we’ve been put into.

why not just cut the size of goverment in half(or more) and not cut taxes?

big goverments=bad
and those damn democrats love teh big goverment. Not only do we have a democrat controlled everything now, we also are stuck with a horrible president for the next few years. I really didn’t think it could get any worse, but it did.

I don’t have a problem with gay people, if that’s what they like then so be it, but marriage is for a man and a women to be joined, just as God intended it to be.

God has nothing to do with it.

marriage is a contract and nothing more.

If god has nothing to do with it then why do people get married in church by a preist:nuts:

why is a divorce or anything else that happens with marriage handled by courts?

FYI…did you know that the vows from the bible that are used often in marriage ceremonys are vows between 2 women

not the wife & I.
beach + justice of the peace (or whatever the proper term is) FTW

how do you know god intended it?

Your church won’t divorce you cause they don’t beleive in it, til death do you part, read the bible once in a while. Today people take marriage as a joke, another reason why the countrys turning into a shithole, no family value anymore, countrys run by judges and lawyers who do nothing but fuck shit up.

i have thanks…good story.

like i said before…
FYI…did you know that the vows from the bible that are used often in marriage ceremonys are vows between 2 women
-book of ruth

and in cause you missed my question…how do you know god intended it to be between a man & woman.

if God has nothing to do with it, why do they make u swear on a bible in court?

with what??

god and marriage (regular & gay) & your talking about being in a court of law

i dont see the comparison.

fear/control…to keep you from lying.

Marriage is a sacrament of the church. If 2 queers want to be joined, they should call it something else.

Rome fell after they started embracing nasty shit like this.

What’s funny is how all the religious people think that people that don’t go to church and worship a fairy tale are horrible people. :nuts:

And I will not read the bible, it’s a fucking joke and not worth my time.

I will instill family values into my kids but I do not need some kid molesting priest to tell me how to do it.

God created Adam & Eve not Adam & Steve. It’s sensless arguing with you over marriage cause you obviously have no clue.

I thought Rome fell because the goverment got too powerful and wanted too much(greed), kinda like how our goverment is headed. :dunno:

gay marriage/ gay couples is a fraud of the the benifits systems of people’s jobs, thats really the only purpose it serves. they can be gay all they want, whats the difference if they are married or not… oh yeah…they can’t milk the system.