Nancy Palosi

See, there’s your fault. You see them as something other than “the rest of us” They’re just as much a human being/American as you. Therefore, they’re entitled to the same benefits as you. And for the LAST FUCKING TIME, marriage, in the eyes of the state, has NOTHING to do with religion. Its a legal contract. Nothing more.

The fact is, that they are not the norm, and they are not capable of reproducing, (which in itself disproves evolution). That being said, they should not be outcasts from society, but at the same time we shouldn’t bend over backwards to make them “fit in.”

Holy fucking shit. This may be the dumbest comment I’ve read on Pittspeed that wasn’t posted by Cutty or Quik. Its not even worth responding to, so instead I’ll take a second to just laugh at how woefully ignorant you are.

Think a little further down the road, if they get married, then they can start adopting children. How screwed up is that kid going to be? Is it right to put a kid in a home with 2 queer parents? A kid that has had a rough beginning as it is, now he gets beat up because some homos adopted him. It’s bigger than just “letting them get married.”

Who are you to say that a kid is going to be screwed up because he has gay parents? Who’s to say that a kid growing up with two loving gay parents will be more screwed up than a kid growing with traditional parents? :rofl: You’re really racking up the ignorance points.