NASA Finds New Life Form

Conference today at 2pm to discuss it more but pretty intresting.

It’s been thought that Arsenic based and even Silicon based life forms could exist, but it was mostly speculation. This is cool news :tup:

I fail, hit the lock checkbox instead of post :ham:

Thread reopened.

Whats NASA doing poking around in a lake?

Looking for aliens. They found one.

i wanted to say something but i forgot what it was by the time this opened back up :frowning:

anything that challenges the status quo is cool with me.

wasn’t there also some discovery of a trillion earth like planets in a new galaxy the other day?

This is really interesting stuff.

no it was a new black hole just forming a few days ago

Found this kinda interesting

NASA Finds New Life Form
NASA has discovered a new life form, a bacteria called GFAJ-1 that is unlike anything currently living in planet Earth. It’s capable of using arsenic to build its DNA, RNA, proteins, and cell membranes. This changes everything. Updated.
NASA is saying that this is “life as we do not know it”. The reason is that all life on Earth is made of six components: Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur. Every being, from the smallest amoeba to the largest whale, share the same life stream. Our DNA blocks are all the same.
That was true until today. In a surprising revelation, NASA scientist Felisa Wolfe Simon and her team have found a bacteria whose DNA is completely alien to what we know today, working differently than the rest of the organisms in the planet. Instead of using phosphorus, the newly discovered microorganism-called GFAJ-1 and found in Mono Lake, California-uses the poisonous arsenic for its building blocks. Arsenic is an element poisonous to every other living creature in the planet except for a few specialized microscopic creatures.


my bad probably should have put a link

You probably should have searched…

oh my bad again

Nobody else get a chill down their spine at this discovery of an alien bacteria whose very DNA is made of something poisonous to almost all known earth-based organisms? It’s like the opening of a crappy apocalypse movie, except it’s real.

Fry it is terrestrial not Extraterrestrial so it is not alien just new. However the fact that it is living on arsenic is quite amazing. I can honestly say I always thought is was silly though that we assumed all other potential life forms needed/used the same things as us to sustain life was just silly.

I’m still stocking up on non-perishable foods, batteries, and beer. Just in case.

Interestingly enough i bought all three of those already this week!!!

This really does open a ton of doors as far as what they might consider living conditions or how they think about them when looking for other life forms though.

It’s still a little unclear to me whether it’s DNA is actually made from arsenic. It sounds like in the lab, they were able to replace the phosphorous with arsenic, and it was able to utilize it. Not sure that it normally does that in nature.

Uh oh…