Nascar racists

Thats ok you sont have to apologize to me :wink:

Why does the issue with talent always get brought up with nascar? It takes a certain amount of talent to be a professional in anything.

I dont hate nascar because of the skills involved, I hate nascar because its boring as shit.

Edit- and the fact that it takes a dumb fucking retard to actually enjoy it.

You know, you CAN compare NASCAR and F1 drivers head to headā€¦ its called IROCā€¦

errā€¦ whatever IROCs equivalent is in Europe, I recall watching it last year, they had F1, Rally and Nascar drivers, among othersā€¦-


i mean really in the end i can respect itā€¦ but iā€™m just picking, i just personally donā€™t find it entertaining. to each their own though.

Aww this reminds me of the arguements over on ubrfā€¦ those were the days :lolsign:

i really hope that this was staged. if not it is so sad.

no it doesnā€™t - if it were ubrf, iā€™d be more like OMG WTF YOU LIKE THAT SHIT


but nah, iā€™m all growed up now so iā€™m like meh - itā€™s hard so thatā€™s cool

if this was ubrf, i probably would have posted the tubgirl image in this thread for the fun of it ā€¦

i wish i didnā€™t know that they took the link down a while back, but i do

hot rod, kid :hay:

stop the arguing you stupid fucks. he said

not that it wasnt hard or dangerous or doesnt take skillā€¦ but that its not entertaining to watch.

read you fucks