nascar says cya to chevy and dodge.

just saw this on car and driver dunno if anyones into nascar but its a car.

i dont really care about nascar, but that is just unamerican

thats bs hendrick is gonna get screwed


i guess this is the change Obama was talking about

all i could think was richard childress hyundai?

:rofl: :rofl: There is always a string attached :rofl: :rofl:

April fools !

Anyone that didnt know this was an April Fools thread before they clicked on it should /yourself

it even says on the first line of the intro that it is a joke.

makes you wonder about people sometimes.


It didnt say april fools on it last night, and i should have thought that it could have been a joke, but in these times its believable.

what’s stupid is that people actually still fall for this.

I told my 7 year old and 5 year old that they didn’t have school today when they woke up and first thing they said was, “You’re just messing around, it’s April fools day”.

If you have more than a first grade education, it’s really not that believable.

technically its not really an april fools joke on march 31st when it was posted. I assumed it was a joke though


A hillbilly, is talking about education…Classic.

at least I am smart enough to not own a DSM.


DSM’s are small inside, no way you could fit all the youngins.