Sweet! (My fiancee would love to get one of those.)
Yea I can’t wait for a REAL digital camera. I’d use the Nikon D70 I have but conventional film is a hassle for stuff like meets (where I wanna post the stuff right away on the net).
The DSLR is only a Rebel but hopefully it’ll take some nice pics.
The Canon digital rebel is a pretty awesome camera, especially for the price. A lot better than the digi I have now anyway, but not near as amazing as the Fuji S2.
:shock: whats this???
FEILD MAGIC owns you
We like to call that club support
WTF is Field Magic?? :?:
night drift dancer my friend
Sounds like a secret underground gay party, like those rest stop washrooms. ahhahaha. jk.
You’d know best eh Aaron!? hahah
I should post that photo we took of you… Just for Tyler…
Chris you know that pic needs to make it’s way to the net.
ummmmmmmm…when u can out drift me aaron, then its gay…but im sliding and representing my JDM brutha’s…so SHAD UP
You’ll have to get me on MSN so I can send it to you Tyler…