NECC Monthly Meeting - August 1st, 2004

Please bring your Dyno Day pre-payments to the meeting ($60). And pay this to Jared (1mns13). This is to ensure your spot on the dyno that day, and so that we can ensure to ourselves that you are actually coming the day of.

You never know. We just need to play it safe.

I will be at the lake too …but coming back for sunday night :stuck_out_tongue:

I’lll be there. And just going for a drive anywhere even if it is unfinished shop is still good.

I’ll be stopping by, my dad’s takin the 'ol Austin Mini :smiley: , do we get to park with all the Nissans? :wink:

No you get to park with my Subaru. Look forward to seeing it.

I thought you said you werent going to come?

No no no that was for the Red Deer show. Get it straight. :smiley:

Dave I’ll be bringing ur ECU, sadly it didn’t do shit :x , so the car’s goin in to the shop on tuesday, there goes my bank account :cry: .

Yeah man I know the feeling. I dont want to know what my bill is gonna be.


(from Kelseys’ we’ll decide on a spot to cruse somewhere. So DONT go to meet at my shop first!)

sorry, golfing instead :lol:

does anyone have any pictures from the event …I know I saw Scott taking some