Need a bushing pressed out

I need a bushing pressed oy of the list control arm if a Buick lacrosse. From reading online I was under the impression putting it in a vice and banging it out with a hammer would do the job… Not so much. I’m in Pendleton do if anyone is available to lend me a hand either tonight if possible or tomorrow lmk. Thanks

I can do it tomorrow morning for u

Replied to pm


For future reference, you can run a hacksaw blade(or a sawzall) through the middle and cut a slot in the outer shell. It works really well.

Melt that bitch!

Just checked, we don’t have any blades lol. I’m just going to take it to Nitroinsane tomorrow and be done with it.

Air hammer and ball joint press. Easy shit


That was the fastest I ever changed one of those


Nitro got this done in less than ten minutes. I need to invest in more power tools.

Thanks again Joe