need a job

if any of you have read my "what a way to wnd valentines day…im now unemployed’ throead, you would know this already, but i just got fired from my job and i really need another bad. i have less than $100 in the bank, and the Dakota R/T doesnt pay for itself. I would like something in retail, so if any1 knows who is hiring, let me kno. or if any1 has any hook-ups, that would be cool too. thanks

mike iam hiring salesman. lmk

allright, so i made a list of all the car shops around that im gonna inquire at. i will list them and if anyone knows people over there i could refference, that would rock!

Custom radio
Premier Car Audio
Daryll’s (both locations i guess)
Dream Werks Audio and Acessories (i think this place may no longer be?)
Underground Autosound

What are you looking for? Part time? Full Time? What kind of pay?

part time, and starting at $7 would be ok

check pm