Need a jobie job

Anybody know of any place that is hiring near akron that qualifies as LIGHT duity? I can not use my left arm for any kind of lifting over like 10 lbs/ limited reaching. Dont say mcdonalds, I wont work there…not because I am above flipping burgers…just personal reasons.

Burger king?

Tim Hortons.

I have OCD. Me+ resturant = no worky.

That must be why you like Metallica. :slight_smile:

Obvious Cock Deformity?

Why would that prevent you from working food?

:rofl: :biglaugh: :biglol:

yeah really

dude are you allergic to jobs

Overly Curious Dogs?

Sometimes you have to do what you have to do. About a year in a half-ago I went from making $9/hr to 5.75 working at burgerking because I needed to make ends meet after getting laid-off.

Personal reasons or not sometimes “You gotta do, what you gotta do.”

Needless to say the ex didn’t like the grease smell when I came home. :lol:

OCD is the perfect thing for that job. You can clean everything up. :tup:

I have a thing where I touch my face alot, you CAN NOT do that in a food service environment. it is not sanitary. At least to my knowlage, I have been yelled at for it before working in a kitchen.

Not much in akron being that just 2 months ago you finally got electricity :lol:

u need to find a telemarketer near u

correction…subway was 2 years ago, mcdonalds about 5, and china king like 7 lol. Woohoo, we’re on the map!


the akron mcdonalds has been there for at least 2 years now on rt 5

go out and look for one yourself. posting it does nothing :wink:

<3 me

China king is newer than Mc Ds

is it? I thaught china king was there first?

Mc Ds was there in 2001-2002… China town didn’t roll around until after I left the A-K-R-O-N

yeah but he doesn’t have enough gas in his car…