Need a place that does "high-end" PLAQUES

For a Christmas present…

I need a place that can both scan and use computer files to make a nicer high-end plaque. I will also need this place to help design this piece.

I would like the “logos” to be etched into some sort of glass, mirror, steel, something, and that mounted on a piece of cherry wood. This will likely be going into my dad’s office, which has cherry furniture

thanks for any help :slight_smile:


whats it gunna say, congrats on hiring kevin!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

i bet josh (lafengas) could do it lol

Time frame and budget?

I’d think annodized alluminum with CNC router engraving would be your best bet. You may need to contact a carpenter for the cherry though, most places have that generic panel wood crap…but that’s just my assumption.

I’m willing to help, lmk.

time frame… before christmas
budget… $2-300…??? depends how nice it is really… im not going to fork over 400 for some piece of shit…

doesnt necessarily HAVE to be cherry, just thought it would be a nice bonus. even if it was a nice marble or something similar. doesn’t have to be anything exotic, but i definitely dont want it to look cheap

thanks for the help :slight_smile:

kevin - lol

bump :slight_smile: