Need advice, complicated matter

Spend a few hundred and put a camera setup on the driveway and a motion light, that way you will know who was there. Call family members an tell them the cops are watching over the house and stopping by randomly to inspect it, that might help keep them away. Or like suggested have someone live there on an off till they stop.

I doubt they will do anything more. That was probably just a reaction from them to the locks being changed. I would suggest everything is inventoried and documented in the house in case this goes further. The greed will kick in really fast. Been there, done that…

That really sucks man sorry to hear about your loss. You should glue all their car locks. Make sure you remember the hatch/truck key.

What is your Dad’s brother and sister’s problem?

Does your dad want to split everything 3 ways ?
What did your grandma want? Did she want something crazy like giving it to her pet dog and your dad wants to uphold it?

Or is it something more like your the only grandchild, so she felt like it would be very nice to give you a great start and a house, now your aunt and uncle think your dad’s a jerk off for giving you a house?

Sometimes money clouds people’s judgment.
Its sad it really is.

it really is sad when relatives get greedy and money hungry when someone dies. It should bring people closer not cause huge family fights that never get resolved. UGH!! I feel bad for you dude. Good Luck

:picard: This is the kind of shit you don’t make public.


way to have a shitty family, asshole.

ruthless people on this board really.

I have 3 words for you

will take some time to resolve im sure

Sooooooo let me get this straight, a retired lawyer(possibly dead) has the only copy of the will?

-put a motion light on the house
-kick uncle in testicles

Who the fuck has family issues like these?

Are you from Niagara Falls or something?

since when is NYSpeed the best place to ask about this shit?

topics like these are really dragging this place down.

His situation is not uncommon. I have heard it happen many times in my friends and family lives.

It can get pretty ugly when it comes down to who gets what. Best solution now is sell off everything in the estate and split it into 3. If there is no definitive will, then that is the most fair solution.

But after the dust settles doesn’t sound like you will be having any family get-togethers.

Good luck.

You’ve gotta track down the will… only way to solve… Is her estate etc. worth all the drama though?


That really sucks man sorry to hear about your loss. You should glue all their car locks. Make sure you remember the hatch/truck key.

What is your Dad’s brother and sister’s problem?

Does your dad want to split everything 3 ways ?
What did your grandma want? Did she want something crazy like giving it to her pet dog and your dad wants to uphold it?

Or is it something more like your the only grandchild, so she felt like it would be very nice to give you a great start and a house, now your aunt and uncle think your dad’s a jerk off for giving you a house?

Sometimes money clouds people’s judgment.
Its sad it really is.


nah its like this, the will names people and bequeaths them minimal stuff (nothing with a value of more than $1,000)…
Now this hand written piece of paper names items such as her house, her car, large ticket items…

Also there are 2 seperate notes written on the same piece of paper, one appears from the context to be recent (last 5 years) but has no date, the other is dated 1988 and conflicts with the seemingly newer note…

The will, the only legal binding contract states for all the large ticket items to be sold and divided 3 ways between the 3 siblings…

And yes the signed copy of the will has apparently been misplaced by the attorney who drafted it.
So pretty much if its not found soon its probate wether we want it or not.

I know this matter is something alot of people would not chose to talk about pubicly, the fact of the matter is I am not ashamed of it.
My extended family are a bunch of assholes, I wont hide that nor be ashamed of it, I didnt chose them but I can chose to distance myself from them…

I know as shocking as it may seem to some people (and believe me I am still in a minimal amount of shock over this) it is actually quite common.
Alot of people have pieces of shit for family, as its been said money makes good people better and bad people worse…

I just figured there are people here who have had experiences and might have some advice to lend.
Lawyers are very expensive and even though I was not left anything in particular I would find it very sad to see everything my grandfather and grandmother worked for all those years to get sucked up in some petty fued.

I guess the moral of the story is , if anyone here thinks there family is 1000% above something similar, think again.

If you are certain that the lawyer who drafted your loved ones wills are capable of maintaining it, think again.

For those who have wills and wishes, make sure it is notorized and not hand written, make sure everything is signed and dated, and if your mind changes, change it at the lawyer!

A little prevention in these situations goes along way.

Thanks everyone for the advice but it seems as I feared there is no magic bullet to this problem…

man your fam is fucked up.

i <3 my family more than ever after reading this.

i’m sorry.


i <3 my family more than ever after reading this.

i’m sorry.



you can always make more money, but you can never make another family.

People these day suck.

Old people are just a meal ticket to people, your relatives are assholes. I’d go burn everything to the ground so everyone gets nothing. Problem solved.

Plus I am sure she drove a Lincoln Town Car or some other old person vehicle so its not like OMG Granny drove a Ferrai Enzo, I call dibs.