A friend is working a production job with 4 Tampa Rays baseball players in a couple weeks. They will be in a luxury coach trailer in between shots over a couple days and need to be set up with the best consoles and best new games.
Recommendation on the best two consoles. (Wii being one)
Recommendation on the top 5 new, hot games for each console. Keep in mind it will be twenty-something MLB players.
Xbox 360 definately. Games as follows Call of Duty: World at War, Gears of war 2, possibly guitaro hero world tour, Need for Speed undercover(racing) and probably some sort of baseball game considering it’s related idk…
games such as world at war and halo 3 are great but if you dont have an internet connection as well as a xbox live account they make the games pointless purchases because 90% of the appeal of those games is online play
i dont own a ps3 but my friends boyfriend does and she and i played it at his house one time. the most fun i have had playing the ps3. so if you want to get a ps3 game go for that.