Need Advice!

then i guess you have a year to do your homework :smiley:

your question’s pretty generic and based off of “rb24”, i’m assuming you’re fairly new to 240’s?

i would recommend checking out some of the threads on nico club, ka-t, and even check out wiki for some history on the cars and what kind of parts are transferrable between cars.

but as someone said earlier, don’t worry about swapping out your ka this soon, read up on the footwork first: tires, wheels, brakes, suspension. chances are a lot of your bushings are shot so if you want to have a nice platform for your future swap, start addressing these things first to give you a nice ride when you up the power. hope this helps man, but remember, it’s still your choice of course…just try to google some things ahead of time to get the basic knowledge of things down (or it might be hard to get the advice you’re looking for here)