need Advice

A piece of heat shield (photo) felled off from my 01Altima. Been called 2 Nissan centers both said not necessary to put it back on and replied it won’t do any damage to the cat. convertor. They don’t fix the cat. but replace it NOT under the warranty eventhough only a bit less than 70K since 2001. Any advice on that issue? Thank you.

I’ve had my heat shield off of my car for almost 4 years no issue. It was rattling so I just had my mechanic take it off. I drive a 2002 by the way. Either way still will do no harm to your ride

Thank you midnite2.5s
I’m convinced a bit more now.

yea no problem anytime. Glad i could help

Hi again,
Just to ease my mind, would like to know approximately how much to replace the cat.convertor cause going to have a long trip upcoming. Thank you very much.

Is your cat gone?

No midnite2.5s, the convertor still there. It is the one after the engine. Just only the shield/s was gone. I can see there is a cylinder like filter attached to the exhaust pipe. I looked at Altima parts, a Universal one cost about C$80. + Shipping & Labour? BTW, just checked with a mechanic, he also said: “Garbage the shield, I don’t have them on my car for 20 yrs.” very blunt response.

Also I’d posted another thread. When and where is the next meeting?

Hey bro, the next meet is on saturday. Check this tread here. Altima meet

If you come out over the weekend im sure some of us guys can have a look at your ride. Let us know if ur gona come by, just add your name to
the list.

What symptoms is the car showing that would lead you to think the cat needs to be replaced?

Been driving out this afternoon, so far hasn’t felt anything wrong without the shields. Perhaps it is all right to let go the issue. Unfortunately wife and I been invited to BBQ this weekend, for sure next time. Afterall I have only an ordinary 01 Alti SE. Ha ha.

No problem bro, keep in touch man. Sounds like your ride is fine. We appreciate all cars, stock or modded so no worries brutha.

Take Care man