Need assistance

Was Re-installing Starcraft to play with Treads4heads and I didnt use to have to do this but it is asking me to set up a

TCP/IP Protocol

and I have no idea what that is or how to do it.

Can anyone give me some instruction and how to do this.

Thank you

where is this asking?, does it want your IP?

Its In starcraft when I try to access battlenet, It is teling me I need to set up a TCP/IP protocol

if you have internet you have tcp/ip already installed in windows

Maybe it’s asking to select TCP or UDP?

I dont know becuase I access the internet thru a wireless card via netgear. maybe that has something to do with it.

I was hoping someone could enlighten me on this,

and schema i saw your nose poking out today at the work parking lot.

Does it say anything about ports perhaps?

Ill check when I get home and update the situation