need collision shop advice and info

Background: friend of mine did some damage to my car. Somehow when he was backing up his bumper got caught on my fender and he scratched the fender and bent it out as he tried to go forward. He didn’t realize he was caught on my car. He said he would take care of it and he doesn’t want to go through insurance. He wants me to take it to Georges over near west Seneca west because his dad knows george. This is the first time any of the cars I’ve owned have been involved in an accident and the first time I’ve needed to do something like this.

So I’ve got a few questions for the nyspeed crew… I’d like to know if any of you have dealt with them and what your experiences have been like. I don’t want anyone to get offended because I’m not knocking Georges. I just want some info. Thanks in advance everyone.

go through insurance…best advice you’ll get in this thread

Find out if this George guy has a work guarantee so if the paint looks like shit, doesn’t match, or starts falling off in time, you’ll be able to take it back and have it done again. As long as that’s in place and you have it in writing, and you’re friend is paying, I’d say you’ll be fine.

Call the cops right now and get a Police report on what happened. Then go through insurance. THIS IS WHY YOU HAVE INSURANCE. I know he is your friend, and that might make you not wanna go through insurance. You need to look at the big picture, and in the end if George does crap work you are screwed. Explain to your friend that it is in both of your bests interest to go through insurance. You will thank yourself in the end for it. I had a very similar situation happen when I was 17 and a friend of mine rear ended me. His father knew the owner of a shop, and the car never even made it to the shop. I still wish I would have just went through insurance for that to this day.