Need computer help

Just got a Macbook Pro and and trying to put all my music and documents and whatnot from my old comp onto the new one. I’ve had an 8gb flash for a while and got about 1/2 way through my music library transfer (bits and pieces of it at once) and all of a sudden it says there’s only 2mb of space on it or something when I deleted all of the music off of it? The only thing I can think of is that I deleted the “drivers” or whatever they’re called.

Can anyone help me at all? :lol

Your first mistake was spending money on a Macbook lol.

And to clarify your problem, your transferring music files, etc from your current PC to the Macbook via Flashdrive and having difficulty with space. Are you having difficulty on the Flash drive or just the macbook?

On your PC, open the properties menu of the flash drive. It will tell you how large the drive is and what space is left. Post your results.

Before you continue, I would recommend purchasing an external hard drive for music files etc. Download the music files to the ext HDD and you can plug and play between computers and not interfere with the space on the macbook. They are relatively inexpensive.

  • rep

Spend the money on upgrades to your current PC and ditch the macbook! - I’ll be more than happy to dispose of it for you, sir- free of charge, of course.

this macbook has wayyyyyy more space than i’ll ever need and this will be the only computer that i’ll be using or at least need to access my music and files on for a long time so while i understand how an external HD would be beneficial to others, there’s really no need for me to have one right now :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot for the help, though, adam :lol

EDIT: since you’re all so concerned about the mac issue, i bought it because it came with free itouch and im used to and LOVE OSX. the only way i can picture myself going back to windows would be by buying the thing for the mac where you can switch between windows and OSX.

Does your jump drive have a stupid program for it? Like Sandisk’s U3 bs… just flat out format the thing, then start a new transfer too it. Or if theres still not enough space, use winrar, or 7-zip, and compress everything first then move it.

My ass could make a better computer than those guys… with one cheek tied behind my BALLS!

I have noooo idea. The logos on it are “Attache”, “PNY”, and “8G”

same as this one

That thumb drive does NOT have a program for it. I have the same one in my car that I use with my Navi/MP3’s.

Have you tried reformatting your thumb drive? And then try copying the stuff?

The guy that works on the computers at my work could probably help. He just so happens to seem to like young boys. He looks like somebody off Dateline’s To Catch a Predator.

Srsly though…

Put the drive in the USB, right click on it, select “format” just leave the settings on default, and make sure “quick format” is NOT checked. Do that, then se how much space your left with. If its not enough, compress your files first, th transfer them to the drive. Or do it in sections is an option. Fillup the drive, swap to new puter, erase it AFTER, rinse and repeat! This is all on a windows based PC, but should be nearly the samefor a Mac… unless their gay

