need emissions in me with places that do it...

like it says, i need to pass emissions. pm with places that can help me out. i hace a cel that wont go away…

I need to know this too!!
I just bought a sentra with a gti-r swap, and I don’t expect it to pass emissions once I get stickers I’m going to keep it under 5K a year so it will be exempt

I have a CEL on one of my MR2’s… but it’s not driven more than 5,000 miles/yr… It passed inspection with that light on.

if you put less then 5k in 365 days then they will just put an exempt sticker on it and they dont actually test the car at all

Why not just pull the bulb out for your CEL temporarily. problem solved.

scantools still read engine codes, pending codes, and incompletes.

You cant have any codes and I beleive your only allowed 2 incompletes on your I/M readiness test
correct me if im wrong people

on your sw20? Checking for codes will take you like 20 seconds and a paperclip.

if i disconnect the battery, it goes away for a few days. so if i disconnect the battery right before i go for emissions, i should be ok??

no because the computer will say that your cars ecm is not ready and it has to go thru so many cycles which takes about 100 miles of driving in various conditions

the only way to pass is either to find someone to just put a sticker on it or get a aftermarket ecm that disables the check engine light

Not my SW20… my diag. system is not working correctly… And… yes… I know the paperclip (OBD1) and what ports to short out, and the test mode… etc… it does something different… I think part of the problem is that my Circuit Opening relay is bad (COR). At least I think it is after testing it with a multimeter and the fact that it clicks really loud when I try the diagnostic tests… at least it has almost every time.

I have the BGB’s too… and my MK1 is of course OBD1 also… not a huge deal as I can figure this stuff out… but unplugging the light should do the trick if you wanted to pass emissions which I don’t have to worry about either since I don’t plan on driving over 5,000 miles b/c it will sit 8 months out of the year for winter… well… at least it seems like 8 months here.

So, they check for codes on OBD1 too? You cant use a scan tool on OBD1… but you can paper clip short the ports…

I don’t have much experience with taking my cars for inspection for emissions since I"ve only really had one car that needed emissions testing and that car is fairly new… well 5 years old now…

If you don’t already know someone, good luck getting someone to blindly stick their neck out for ya.

Not trying to be an ass, but I’m sure people don’t want to lose their inspection/emission license because of someone they don’t know.

As stated before, goodluck getting someone you dont know to give you a inspection sticker. I dont recall the fine if they catch your ass putting stickers on a car that was not inspected right, but it was pretty hefty.

dunno about OBDI

depends what kinda of scan tool you have the one we have at work is the snap on ethos and it can read obd1 cars as well as obd2 cars but then again i think it was like $1500 for the thing

The only way you can beat the OBD emission test is if your car won’t communicate. If you have a functional CEL thats not on and your vehicle won’t communicate with the test equipment they will generally still give you a sticker. The state has this loophole for newer cars( the new, advanced CAN diagnotics was the problem), they do monitor how many times a shop and individual inspectors sticker problem cars and they know which cars do it. Good luck finding someone to leave the OBD plug out when they run the test(hint hint). I personally wouldn’t and can’t condone any illegal activities but the test can be beat.

I was going to say this, I’ve done it once just because i fixed the car and cleared the code but it wasnt done with its drive cycle…

I believe your only allowed to do this only 1 time for as long as you own the car

Although I would never personally do anything illegal, it works. Your right about the " only once" rule but I’ve never seen what happens if you do it 2 yrs in a row. I do know that the state is actively monitoring this loophole. I was told by an “official”, 3 times in a month and you get to talk to the state about your new fine and suspension.

If thats the case… just take it to a shop that doesnt’ have access to one of those tools… What do they do… really ? the way to read OBD1 is to just short the ports in the diag. box.

What I was talking about is the test for OBD2 cars, If your car is OBD1 or older you just get a tailpipe sniffer test. Make sure your tune up is on point and if you want a little extra edge, 2 bottles of isopropal alcohol based dry gas will help lean out the mixture, reduced ignition timing also helps. good luck