Need Help!!! BAD!

Ok well i have this problem. I bought a 92 talon from this certain shop. Well it didnt come w/ a catalytic converter and the intercooler was corroded, so i went back and they brought it to a local shop to get the stuff fixed. Well after it was fixed and it was being brought back to the shop, someone from the dealership blew up the engine. So the dealership decided to pay for a new (used) engine put in the car. So i get the car back after a month and i say “is there a warranty” and they say yes, 60 days. Well in driving it, i realize that the turbo isnt working. So i call the place that put the engine in and they say, ok bring the car back in. Well i didnt bring the car in because i realized that the wastegate wasnt connected. So i connected it, and i went for a long drive thinkin everything was ok, and mid trip my car starts smoking bad, i open the hood, and oil is everywhere. So i stop driving it. The next day i call the shop and they say, no, you were supposed to bring the car in and you didnt we’re not doin anything for you, ontop of that we only put the engine in, the place you bought it from supplied the engine.

So i go to the lawyer and he says he will write the dealership and the shop a letter, and for me to get a diagnostic done. Well i do a compression test and the compression is 90-160-160-160. So i call the lawyer today and he says, nobody responded and that i should call the shop that installed the engine to see if they are going to respond. When i call they say…no, you were supposed to bring the car in and you didnt, we’re not gonna warrant that.

They are saying that since i didnt bring it in, they wont fix it. They said when i realized that the car wasnt running right that i should have brought it in. And i tell them that it was the turbo that wasnt working, and that wouldnt cause low compression. They dont care, so I need some help in this and what i should do. Also i need a GOOD shop to basically write up a nice paper saying that the turbo not being hooked up would have nothing to do with the engine compression, and why it has nothing to do with it. Can anyone help me out?

sounds like a huge case of a lemon…
lemon law
i’d take em to court

maby report it to better business borough? im going through a lawsuit with jasper engines, my lawyer wrote a letter and they responded, i dont know what goes on when they dont respond i thought they had to?
anyway good luck hope everything gets worked out

13 year old car, Expect anything…

from a talon troo.give me a break,it is basic wear n tear.

um… I would head out to SlowBoy if I were you, have them take a look at it and get a solid estimate on what might have gone wrong and what needs done to make your car run again. Did you get a written warranty or a verbal warranty? Although verbal is legally binding its a lot harder to prove. And from my experiences with warrantys is their is an amount of time the warranty is valid for… they can not say, oh no you didn’t bring it in right way. if you have 60 days that shit could break on day 10 and you take it in on 59 and they have to hold up their end of the deal.

good luck

its not basic wear and tear when they put in a (subpar) engine. The one that was in the car was fine until THEY blew it up bringing it back. And now the engine that is in the car is broke and they just want me to take it in the A$$. I mean had i picked the shop to fix it, had I authorized the “new engine” to be put in then thats another story. But they made the decision to put a new engine in the car, which I didnt know about until after the work was already started, that they blew it up, and they say, well we went out of our way to do this you didnt have a warranty and we didnt have to put a new engine in the car. They didnt need to put a new engine in, all they really needed to do was bore out the block a little and put in new pistons. And they told me i had a 60 day warranty, (which i have a witness to) then i should get that warranty. I dont have anything in paper as i wasnt the one who paid for the stuff, the dealership did

im kinda thinking you are a lil screwed… but i hope things work out

if they put a used engine in the car, then thats where the 60 day warranty comes into play. turbo motors are usually sold w/o turbo

most reputable salvage yards offer 60-90 day warranty standard on engines. If you were beating the shit out of your motor, they would be able to tell from heat tabs and paint codes.

personally, if i were a shop, and i put a motor in a car, guy calls up and says something is wrong, i would look at it. It sounds like they were willing to look at it too. However, you should have called them back up and told them that you remedied the problem because of disconnected vacuum line or whatever caused ur problem on the turbo. because no offense, if your calling a shop up to bitch that your car is not making any boost when it was something stupid was wrong, and it took you that long to notice it-- then i dont think u are exactly qualified to work on the car.

also, correct me if im wrong here— you took the car opriginally to one place, the dealership or whatever. they blew the motor up and paid a shop to put the new motor in. So figring the motor blew up on you, it shouldnt be the shop ur going after, rather the dealership. thats what i would think… as u are working w/ the dealership. The garage was sub contracted out by the dealership.

either way, keep us posted on what happens, as this should eb interesting. Sucks for you, i feel bad. As u deffitely are getting dicked.

ya…but its the fact that they gave him a warranty…and now they wont hold up to it!! and the fact that someone fromt eh shop blew his motor up

Lemon law doesn’t apply to used cars.

lemon law doesn’t apply for a ton of reasons…

i would get an attorney if you want to go through the motions… otherwise i’d just go to slowboy or a good shop and see what exactly is wrong.