Need Help:bought salvage car from U.S

hey guys i bought a Salvaged Cavalier from Florida its a 98 Red Convertible
and the ownership was lost and the insurance papers needed to clear the Title was lost as well and its still under the previous owners name,
so my Dilema is
I need to have the Title Cleared and the Ownership
can sombody tell me how this is done i called the Insurance company “Glasglow” and they said that i cant have the previous owners info because its classified.

Is there any way around this? i can give the Vin number if that will help.

thanks for ur help ya basterds

can anybody do a Vin check on this car

maybe get me a carfax report?

Talk to a tow truck company and see how they would handle abandoned cars. I know they can get titles for cars if they aren’t claimed.

actually i have the ownership now and its under my name its still salvaged title and i lost the paper fromt the insurance company saying what i need to buy and to make it roadworth again. its from Geico not Glasglow .

Canadian tire does seatbelt conversions and inspections on U.S cars for RIV. Maybe your insurance company just wants the seat belts converted and the car frame inspected, i suggest you ask your insurance company though.

From MTO’s website;

  1. How can I change the brand on my vehicle from “Salvage” to “Rebuilt”?
    The vehicle must have successfully passed an inspection in accordance with the requirements in Ontario’s Regulation 611 of the HTA and have been issued a Structural Inspection Certificate (SIC). The owner must then submit the SIC and registration permit to a Ministry of Transportation licensing office. Once accepted and approved, the “Salvage” brand will be changed to “Rebuilt”. This process helps ensure that damaged vehicles are repaired to meet minimum prescribed standards before being allowed back on the road.
    Once the “Rebuilt” brand is placed on the vehicle registration file, a Safety Standards Certificate must be obtained in the same manner from any Motor Vehicle Inspection Station in order for the vehicle to be declared “fit”. The vehicle may then be plated and legally operated once it has been provided with a drive clean certificate (if required).

Honestly, I don’t remember where I got mine done, but it needs to be done at one the approved “Motor Vehicle Inspection Stations”. Contact MTO to get the locations. It costs $300 to check the car, so make sure everything is done properly before you go there (I also think they want receipts for parts you bought to make the repairs). Like the previous post states as well, you need to go to Canadian TIre (I think they are the only ones authorized to do this) and get your seat belt / day time running lights and speedometer conversion done.