need help from you professional detailers out there

I was wondering if any of you knew the best way to get rid of this problem on the lip of my wheels:

Should I wet sand it and then re-clearcoat it? If so what grit sandpaper?

Also, my cf hood looks like complete shit, anyone have any ideas on how to bring it back to almost new? I assume sanding it and applying a new layer of clearcoat would work but again what grit?

thanks for the input!

Apply generous amounts of semen to both wheels and hood.
Let soak for 24hrs.
Wipe off with any soft towel.

yea you can strip the clear coat off hit ti up with 400 or so then do the whole thing in like 600 and re clear it

You can do this too :lol

you just answered both of your questions dude…

i’m in the process of polishing a set of alum. wheels for my 5 series… use paint stripper to remove the clear, wetsand out the oxidation. you can either do the whole wheel, leave it raw, or re clear it. if its raw you’ll have to keep up on them, use a good sealer, like zoop, and a wax.

you could also try to just hit the one spot and blend it in. i’d have to see the wheel in front of me to tell you what grit to use, depending on the depth of the damage. usually i start with a 220 or so, but the wheels i’m doing now are like mirrors, because i had to remove the rash/ pitting. i went 80, 180, 220, 320, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1500, 2000, then emory, tripoli, and white rouge polish. like i said, they are like a mirror, brighter than chrome. like i said, it depends on what type of luster you are looking for.

as for the hood, sand it with a 320 wet or higher to remove the swirls and such… then reclear, or use a vinyl ester resin. the v.e. is the best laying resin i’ve used. better than poly imo… need any more tips just ask.

yea…i can…your point?:clap

do what he says

Thanks for the input…i knew i had to sand it i just wasn’t sure what grit and in what stages.

thanks again!


sounds like clear coats fucked on both.