the drivers side window on my honda is baroke. its stuck more than halfway down. its cold out.
anyone have any experence with this kind of thing? i just want it up, i dont care if it works or not.
when i hit the switch it just clicks, doesnt do anythign else. most likely a dead regulator. i dont want to replace it because the car is a huge pos and may not even make it trough the winter.
just as long as i can get it up and get it to stay up i dont care. any suggestions?
Hmmm, if its somethig besides the motor, rip your drivers side door panel off and start throwing 12v at random wires that go to the motor… Worked on my brothers honda.
Ya if its not the motor itself, hook it up to your battery. Although I dont know how to exactly do it, I saw someone do this and it rolled the window back up.
Hmmm, if its somethig besides the motor, rip your drivers side door panel off and start throwing 12v at random wires that go to the motor… Worked on my brothers honda.
Sounds like the motor perhaps. Punch the door where the motor is located while holding the switch in the up position. Sometimes this will jar the motor free just long enough to get the window up. Done it about 50 times on other cars and works. If the regulator is indeed bad then you gotta take the door panel off.